Is your student's grade report not what you'd hoped for? Click here to find out why it happened and how to fix it!

Bad Grades in College: 3 Reasons Students Get Them

When students get bad grades in college, many parents find themselves saying things like: “How could you get a D? You’re just not trying.” “These grades are a huge disappointment to me, son.” “Why didn’t you work harder on this class? You’re not stupid!” These are common questions that parents often ask their first-year college student […]

Did your GPA drop during your first semester in college? Click here for a few ways to deal with that!

Why a C is a GREAT Grade in College

Most students (and most parents) don’t realize that in college, a C is a great grade. When the student who pulled a 4.0 in high school ends up with a 2.5 GPA in their first semester in college, their shock is real. This can baffle parents, and give their students an identity crisis! The fact […]