Contact Information

Adam G. Sanford, Success Coach
Undergrad Made Easier/Learning Made Easier
3553 Atlantic Avenue, Suite B-1298
Long Beach, CA 90807
Phone/Text: 562-354-3449
Fax: 951-667-8155
Join my mailing list here.
My Motto: From Stress to SUCCESS!
Hi! I’m Adam Sanford, the founder of Undergrad Made Easier and Learning Made Easier. I believe that every student has the innate ability to learn and succeed – they only lack the tool kit. I provide my clients with training in these tools and then coaching in how to use them, so they can take control of their own learning process and goals. I do this by creating situations that provide opportunities for students to discover and increase their academic skill sets, and to be supported in this process, until they grow from being stressed and struggling students into competent and confident learners.
One of my clients recently said that coaching is not the same thing as someone holding your hand or babysitting you. Quite the contrary – a coach’s job is to ask the questions you don’t know you needed to ask, and help you discover ways to answer them. Even the best of us need someone else to point out the things in our way that we may just not notice!
I also know what this struggle is like from personal experience. I was a “gifted child” in grade school, started having trouble in middle school, graduated from high school with a D average, and didn’t last long my first time through college – I dropped out after two semesters of being overwhelmed. Once I’d put in ten years in the regular workplace, I went back in my early 30s and brought my work-world skill sets with me. That made all the difference! (Now I have a Ph.D., but I wish someone had taught me this stuff when I was in my 20s.)
A lot of students who arrive in my college classrooms were never taught these things either – and worse, they’ve never been taught that mistakes are a normal part of learning. Their anxiety levels are sky-high, and that interferes with learning too. Worst of all, once they get out of college, their employers expect them to have skills that they just didn’t learn while they were there.
When I realized that the K-12 school system was not creating college-prepared students, I decided I had to take matters into my own hands. In addition to my regular university teaching, I have found my way into a new career as an academic life coach. I am now a Certified Anti-Boring Approach™ Coach, trained in Gretchen Wegner’s Anti-Boring Approach™ methods.
At Undergrad Made Easier and Learning Made Easier, you’ll get the professor’s-eye view of what you need to make studying feel productive, instead of stressful. You’ll get professor-level critique, help, and guidance. Let me help you help yourself as you go from stress to success!
Professional Bio
Adam G. Sanford works with adolescents and young adults to help them acquire the skill sets they will need to be active, capable, and dependable, from middle school through graduate school, as well as in the ‘real world’ that comes afterward. As a college teacher and academic life coach, he has helped dozens of students develop their skills in writing, research, time management, study skills, professional communication, and many other trouble spots.
Adam has taught at the university level for nine years. With his experience at many different college-level institutions, he is able to help both the community-college freshman and the Ivy League junior leap their academic hurdles and fly to success. In terms of his credentials, he holds enough degrees to create alphabet soup, including an AA and AS in liberal studies from Riverside Community College, and a BS, MA and Ph.D in sociology from the University of California at Riverside. He is also a singer, a writer, a cartoonist, a performer at the Renaissance Faire, and an aspiring slam poet, and loves going to Disneyland. He lives in Long Beach, California.