email your professor

How to Email Your Professor – and When to Avoid It!

You have to email your professor about something. You know how to use email, right? It’s old-school: open up the program or the web browser, and type something like this: Yo, When is the test? Or maybe you’d rather say: Dear Professor Chris Smith, I write to you to urgently express my concern that the […]

stressing out about grades

How to Get Good Grades

Too often, college students are stressing out about how to get good grades, instead of focusing on what they’re learning. This is a backwards method of trying to succeed, and it often sets students up for failure instead. For one thing, it sets up grades as a competition for scarce resources – “If I want […]

making mistakes

Why Making Mistakes Is Important

Too many undergraduate students are afraid of making mistakes. It’s not surprising. They’ve spent years in a system where memorization and spitting out information was more important than learning and understanding: the high-stakes standardized testing environment. In that environment, students learn that the person who makes the fewest mistakes gets the best scores, the most […]