How do you set priorities for your college classes, studying, and social life? Click here to see an easy way to set priorities so you can get things done!

Out of Your Head and Onto the Page: A Planning System That Works, Part 3

In the last blog in this series, we covered how to take big projects and break them down into small tasks, so that they’re manageable. Today we’re going to talk about how to set priorities for those tasks, so that they get done. Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, had a simple […]

Click here to find out why stress pushes us into a vicious cycle, four ways to stop that cycle in its tracks, and three questions to ask so you can stop rushing and start succeeding!

Stop Rushing and Start Succeeding: Part 3

In the previous blog in this series, we went over the beliefs that push us into rushing, and how many of those beliefs create a stressful situation. In this final blog in the series, we’ll go over why stress pushes us into a vicious cycle, four ways to stop that cycle in its tracks, and […]

Feeling overstressed and rushed? Click here! This blog post will tell you why we feel like we have to rush, and how that can lead to an ongoing cycle of stress.

Stop Rushing and Start Succeeding: Part 2

The first blog in this series talked about what happens when we rush, and why we need to slow down. This blog will talk about why we feel like we have to rush, and how that can lead to an ongoing cycle of stress. Beliefs, Behavior and Stress Our behavior stems from what we believe […]

Stop Rushing and Start Succeeding: Part 1

If you look around, you can see that most people seem to be in a hurry. That’s not surprising! Our culture is built on being busy – on rushing. We see people hurrying hither and yon, and the impression we get is that they have Important, Valuable, Necessary Reasons to step up their pace and […]

Tips for Parents: 3 Ways to Help Your Teen Get Ready For College

If you have a high-school senior, they’re probably getting ready for college next fall. They’ve got good GPAs and good SAT/ACT scores, they’ve sent off their applications, the acceptances should be coming in soon, and they’re ready to go. Right? Well… maybe. Good grades and good test scores will help your teen get into college […]

3 Steps to Make College Easier in Week 1

When the college semester starts, everything is new. You have new classes, new classmates, new professors, new expectations – and if it’s your first semester, you might also have a new roommate and a new dorm room. All that “new” can be pretty overwhelming! Here’s a few ways to make the first week of college […]

Are you trying to find ways to make a study group work for you? Click here for some ideas to help you do that!

5 Ways To Make A Study Group Work For You

Many teachers will advise you to work with your classmates – in a word, to create a study group. But what do you do in a study group? Too many times, study groups can devolve into chit-chat and waste your time, instead of improving your knowledge. Here’s some ways to make a study group work […]

When a break is over, it can be hard to get back into the school routine. Click here for some ways to make that transition a little easier!

4 Ways to Make Starting the Semester Easier

So the break is almost over, and most college and high school students will be returning to campus soon. For many students, coming back to school after a break is difficult – it’s hard to get back on track, especially if their sleep schedule has gone off the rails during the break, and thinking about […]

Is your student's grade report not what you'd hoped for? Click here to find out why it happened and how to fix it!

Bad Grades in College: 3 Reasons Students Get Them

When students get bad grades in college, many parents find themselves saying things like: “How could you get a D? You’re just not trying.” “These grades are a huge disappointment to me, son.” “Why didn’t you work harder on this class? You’re not stupid!” These are common questions that parents often ask their first-year college student […]

Did your GPA drop during your first semester in college? Click here for a few ways to deal with that!

Why a C is a GREAT Grade in College

Most students (and most parents) don’t realize that in college, a C is a great grade. When the student who pulled a 4.0 in high school ends up with a 2.5 GPA in their first semester in college, their shock is real. This can baffle parents, and give their students an identity crisis! The fact […]